Implicatures in Political Discourse on Indonesia Lawyers Club Show

Mutia El Khairat


Implicature in political discourse is one of interesting problem to be studied in linguistics. Sometimes, many politicians use
sentences which imply something different than the literal meaning for certain political purposes. Mass media is one of intercession
between political doer and people, such as a talk show or dialogue of politics on television. Indonesia Lawyers Club is one of dialogue
in television, which discuss about political issues in Indonesia. This article aimed at describing and explaining forms and kinds of
implicature used in political discourse by using implicature theory from Grice (1975) and Gazdar (1979). The method use in collecting
the data is observational method and technique of Non Participant Observation (NPO) followed by recording and note taking
technique. Furthermore, this study uses referential and pragmatic identity method in analyzing data. It is a descriptive research in
which using a qualitative approach. The data of the research are taken from utterances as found in the political dialogue entitled
Indonesia Lawyers Club, as TV programs. The result of research shows that implicature has found and used in political discourse in
Indonesia Lawyers Club by breaking the cooperation principle in declarative and negative form, while interogative is not found in
this show. Besides, the use of implicature also found in the kinds of conventional implicature, generalized conversational and
particularized conventional implicature, and scalar implicature. Furthermore, the meaning of implicature consists of criticism,
teasing, obscurity of meaning, image projection, agree, disagree, and euphemism. Pragmatics functions in implicature consist of
assertive, directive, expressive and commisive. Finally, the value in implicature consists of political value, those are self-image of
ideology, power, aversion, democracy, and protection, and morality value.


Implicature; Political Discourse; Indonesia Lawyers Club

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